
TheGolemisa2018IsraeliperiodsupernaturalhorrorfilmdirectedbyDoronandYoavPaz,andwrittenbyArielCohen.ItstarsHaniFurstenberg, ...,《聖獄:耶路撒冷》雙導演DoronPaz與YoavPaz執導。故事描述1673年的立陶宛,致命瘟疫爆發加上外患來襲,一名女子決定召喚魔像來保護自己的猶太村落,卻不 ...,評分4.0(246)·£1.99Duringanoutbreakofadeadlyplague,amysticalwomanmustsavehercommunityfromadarkevil.Sheconjuresanentitythat...

The Golem (2018 film)

The Golem is a 2018 Israeli period supernatural horror film directed by Doron and Yoav Paz, and written by Ariel Cohen. It stars Hani Furstenberg, ...

恐怖泥人傀儡The Golem 2018 - 丹尼爾電影生活

《聖獄:耶路撒冷》雙導演Doron Paz與Yoav Paz執導。故事描述1673年的立陶宛,致命瘟疫爆發加上外患來襲,一名女子決定召喚魔像來保護自己的猶太村落,卻不 ...

Watch The Golem | Prime Video

評分 4.0 (246) · £1.99 During an outbreak of a deadly plague, a mystical woman must save her community from a dark evil. She conjures an entity that she moulds out of mud to protect ...

The Golem

An Israeli horror film The Golem (Yoav and Doron Paz, 2018) is the most recent adaptation of the legend. It keeps the trappings of the best-known version—a ...

Golem (TV Movie 2018)

In a fictional yet familiar world, where technology has transcended the boundaries of human control, Golem has become an indispensable ingredient for a ...

The Golem (2018)

評分 5.5/10 (6,022) During an outbreak of a deadly plague in Lithuania, a mystical woman must save her tight-knit Jewish community from a gang of ruffians led by a local landowner, ...

The Golem

評分 89% (28) A chillingly effective horror story rooted in rich folklore, The Golem blends centuries-old stories with timely themes to powerful effect.

The Golem (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

A re-imagining of the old mystical folklore that follows a woman and a tight-knit Jewish community that is besieged by foreign invaders.

The Golem (2018) | Official Trailer

From Epic Pictures, comes the first Dread Central Presents original feature, THE GOLEM! In theaters, on VOD, and Blu-Ray/DVD February 5th!